Entries by Hunter Smith

How do companies use my loyalty card data?

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES Allegations that research firm Cambridge Analytica misused the data of 50 million people has thrust the issue of data privacy into the spotlight. A huge amount of consumer data is available and – if obtained – is a valuable asset for companies. And customer loyalty cards, while rewarding shoppers with discounts and deals, are […]


Virtual Health Care Could Save the U.S. Billions Each Year

TECHNOLOGY Kaveh Safavi Frances Dare PHIL MARDEN/GETTY IMAGES The conventional wisdom that the best care is delivered in-person by experienced caregivers may soon be overturned. Rising health care costs, a shortage of physicians, and an aging population are making the traditional model of care increasingly unsustainable. But new uses of virtual health and digital technologies may help the industry […]

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Forrester: Manage business technology outcomes, not IT assets

Why CIOs need to adopt a business technology agenda if they want to survive in the age of the customer Bobby Cameron CIOs face a new technology management agenda as digitally empowered customers and digitally disruptive competitors force them to become digital businesses. It’s the era Forrester calls the age of the customer. To win in the age of the customer, […]


AI-fueled organizations

Reaching AI’s full potential in the enterprise Nitin MittalUnited States David KuderUnited States Samir HansUnited States As AI technologies standardize across industries, becoming an AI-fueled organization will likely be table stakes for survival. And that means rethinking the way humans and machines interact within working environments. FOR some organizations, harnessing artificial intelligence’s full potential begins tentatively […]

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The Business Value of IT Transformation

Chris Nerney IT Transformation, as the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) defines it, is the “act of modernizing and automating information technology systems and software holistically to improve IT operations and refine relevant business processes.” IT Transformation offers substantial benefits that extend far beyond the network and data center. IT Transformation can drive business transformation by […]

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IDC’s AI-Based Automation Evolution Framework: a New Way to Think About AI Automation

Jan 9,2019 / By Dan Vesset / No Comment In October 2018, a Reuters article informed the world that Amazon had scrapped an AI–based recruitment application that turned out to be biased against women. Most headlines about this story highlighted the company’s failure in developing an actionable and fair solution for one of the most important processes of the […]