Entries by Hunter Smith

Bird’s plan to pay for bike lanes: good for cities or just good PR?

After getting a bad reputation for its aggressive maneuvers, the electric scooter company is trying to win friends in cities by putting up money for better infrastructure. Adele Peters 5 MINUTE READ Five years ago, Portland, Oregon, created a new policy: Protected bike lanes should be the default choice on major streets. But relatively few of the lanes–which use […]

Alexa, move my bank account to Amazon.

 By Gerard du Toit and Aaron Cheris March 05, 2018 Banking’s Amazon Moment Amazon may be taking the plunge into banking, and by any estimation, it’s a game changer for the industry. News reports that it seeks a bank for a cobranded, mobile-friendly checking-account-like product initially targeted to young adults in the US follow earlier […]

4 Ways to Create a Learning Culture on Your Team

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic Josh Bersin JULY 12, 2018 BUDA MENDES/GETTY IMAGES Technology is disrupting every industry and area of life, and work is no exception. One of the main career implications of the digital revolution is a shift in demand for human expertise. For instance, LinkedIn’s talent research shows that half of today’s most in-demand skills weren’t even […]


Customer Experience: Are we measuring the right things?

Article (PDF Available)  in International Journal of Market Research53(6):115-122 · January 2011 with 4,450 Reads DOI: 10.2501/IJMR-53-6-771-792 Cite this publication Phil Klaus 20.26 Cranfield University Abstract Marketing theory and practice evolved dramatically through a series of transformations from products to services and, recently, customer experiences. Each stage has its own perspective on marketing’s purpose, the nature of customer value, and measurements that […]


7 Ways to Create a Great Customer Experience Strategy

Posted by Steven MacDonald on 17 July, 2018  Post summary: What is customer experience (CX)? How is CX different from customer service? 7 ways to create a customer experience strategy The Digital Marketing Trends Report by Econsultancy and Adobe asked companies to indicate the single most exciting opportunity for their organization in the upcoming year – and once again, the same […]


Network Security: What is Attack Surface Analysis and Why is it Important?

11/16/2017 1What is Attack Surface Analysis and Why is it Important? 2Defining the Attack Surface of an Application 3Identifying and Mapping the Attack Surface 4Measuring and Assessing the Attack Surface 5Managing the Attack Surface 6Related Articles 7Authors and Primary Editors 8Other Cheatsheets This article describes a simple and pragmatic way of doing Attack Surface Analysis […]

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Why tagging your workforce could save money and lives BETTER DECISIONS IN COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTS When an industrial plant shuts down for routine maintenance, it can be a complex and potentially dangerous production thanks to chemicals, combustible materials and hazardous gases. The tasks involved in even the most routine maintenance shutdowns aren’t part of day-to-day operations, […]

What Millennial Employees Really Want.

[PHOTO: WAVEBREAKMEDIA VIA SHUTTERSTOCK] BY ADAM SMILEY POSWOLSKY 5 MINUTE READ Despite struggling with debt, recession, and the jobs crisis, millennials–who will account for 75% of the workforce in 2025– are not motivated by money. Rather, they aim to make the world more compassionate, innovative, and sustainable. More than 50% of millennials say they would take a pay […]