IoT companies

14 IIoT Vendors You Shoud Know

Avi Nowitz Machine Learning for Predictive Asset Maintenance There are a large number of solutions providers in the Industrial IoT category and buyers struggle to find information on emerging and less recognize vendors. Even…

How to Know Whether IoT Devices Are Safe

Samuel Greengard Added to IoTplaybook or last updated on: 04/17/2018 It’s no news flash that Internet of Things (IoT) vendors, in a rush to get products to market, don’t always focus on security. In recent years,…

Fifteen ways to remain productive at work

  Owen Gough Executives should ditch meetings, quit multitasking and learn how to delegate to remain productive in the office, experts have warned. From jazzing up your workplace, to…

3 Ways to Improve ROI With Better Marketing Cost Management

By Zac Johnson | In: Advertising, Marketing & PR, Marketing There are several “free” strategies, avenues, and tactics you can explore as part of your overall marketing plan, but these approaches are only free…
future of work

6 Ways the Workplace Will Change in the Next 10 Years

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December 15, 2017 Contributor: Sharon George HUMAN RESOURCE For heads of HR, the ability to peer into the future will make work infinitely easier. Current trends in business and technology show…
Disaster recovery

What is disaster recovery and how can this benefit your business?

Businesses face disaster every second of every day. Malicious actors could be preparing to hack their online platform, strong winds could leave them without power, or employee negligence may result in customer data falling into the wrong…
technology trends

Top technology trends for 2018

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It is that time of the year again and 2017 is over before we knew it. The Year of Intelligencebrought us a lot of progress and change; from over-hyped ICO’s to algorithms that created secret languages. As every year since 2012, I provide…

Do’s and Don’ts of Crowdfunding for Your Small Business

By Princess Jones It takes capital to start and grow a small business. If you’re rolling in dough, that’s not a problem for you. But if you’re like the rest of us, raising money for your business plans can be a daunting task. If you’ve…

What’s the Difference Between Multichannel Marketing and Omnichannel Marketing Anyway?

By Carro Ford|Apr 4, 2018|Applications, Automation, Cross-Media, Direct Mail, Grow Your Business, Industry Trends, Personalization|0 Comments (Guest post by Josie Stein, Marketing and Communications Manager at XMPie. @josiedaisy.…

Protect Your Organization From Cyber and Ransomware Attacks

February 14, 2018 Contributor: Laurence Goasduff SECURITY Patching and removing web server vulnerabilities will improve enterprise security through 2021. Alison, chief information security officer at…