EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us:
The emergence of more sophisticated tech support scams, involving couriers to directly collect money from victims, signifies a direct threat…·E-2024-02-01-15.46.31-An-illustration-depicting-a-phone-scam-targeting-an-elderly-person-showing-a-concerned-elderly-individual-holding-a-phone-with-a-shadowy-figure-on-th.png10241024Hunter Smith Smith2024-02-01 15:57:532024-02-15 09:16:06FBI: Tech support scams now use couriers to collect victims’ money
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The breach of Cloudflare via stolen authentication tokens from an Okta attack…·E-2024-02-01-15.05.20-A-digital-landscape-with-a-cloud-icon-being-struck-by-a-lightning-bolt-symbolizing-a-cyber-attack.-In-the-background-a-shield-with-a-crack-in-it-rep.png10241024Hunter Smith Smith2024-02-01 15:23:092024-02-02 09:33:58Cloudflare hacked using auth tokens stolen in Okta attack
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The FCC's recent move to ban AI-generated robocalls is a significant development…·E-2024-02-01-12.54.49-A-visual-metaphor-for-robocalls-using-AI-generated-voices.-Imagine-a-robotic-hand-holding-a-classic-telephone-receiver-with-digital-waves-emanating-f.png10241024Hunter Smith Smith2024-02-01 13:16:032024-02-02 09:35:30The FCC wants to make robocalls that use AI-generated voices illegal
Why This Matters to Us:
Discuss the pertinence of the Ukrainian cyber attacks to Excel Office Services, particularly…
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: Discuss the relevance of robust cybersecurity measures, especially for businesses like Excel Office… Smith Smith2024-01-31 10:50:432024-02-02 09:38:49US disrupts China-backed hacking operation amid warning of threat to American infrastructure
Why This Matters to Us: The use of AI in filmmaking indicates a broader trend of AI applications in creative industries, relevant to our marketing and creative…·E-2024-01-29-12.27.04-A-creative-depiction-of-AI-in-filmmaking.-Illustrate-a-movie-set-with-cameras-lights-and-crew-where-AI-is-visibly-integrated-like-an-AI-director-.png10241024Hunter Smith Smith2024-01-29 12:29:282024-02-02 09:39:30AI in Filmmaking
Why This Matters to Us: The advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) present new areas for Excel Office Services to explore in healthcare IT.
The Bigger Picture:…
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The focus on climate-friendly infrastructure projects aligns with Excel Office Services' commitment to sustainability.
The…·E-2024-01-29-12.12.28-An-image-illustrating-climate-solutions-and-infrastructure.-Visualize-a-green-sustainable-city-with-renewable-energy-sources-like-solar-panels-and-wi.png10241024Hunter Smith Smith2024-01-29 12:15:292024-02-02 09:40:45Climate Solutions and Infrastructure
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are key to organizational success, reflecting Excel Office Services' commitment to a diverse workforce.
…·E-2024-01-29-11.53.06-An-image-symbolizing-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-in-organizations.-Include-a-diverse-group-of-people-from-various-ethnicities-and-backgrounds-co.png10241024Hunter Smith Smith2024-01-29 11:55:332024-02-02 09:41:15DEI in Organizations
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The intersection of AI and security is crucial for Excel Office Services, as we offer managed IT…·E-2024-01-29-11.31.56-An-image-representing-AI-and-security-trends-in-technology.-Showcase-a-digital-security-landscape-with-elements-like-firewalls-encrypted-data-streams-1.png10241024Hunter Smith Smith2024-01-29 11:34:582024-02-02 09:41:50AI and Security Main Trends
FBI: Tech support scams now use couriers to collect victims’ money
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, SustainabilityCloudflare hacked using auth tokens stolen in Okta attack
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, UncategorizedThe FCC wants to make robocalls that use AI-generated voices illegal
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, SustainabilitySeveral Ukrainian state-run bodies report cyber attacks
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, SustainabilityUS disrupts China-backed hacking operation amid warning of threat to American infrastructure
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, UncategorizedAI in Filmmaking
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, UncategorizedBrain-Computer Interface Advances
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, UncategorizedClimate Solutions and Infrastructure
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, SustainabilityDEI in Organizations
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, UncategorizedAI and Security Main Trends
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability