Importance of Sensors In the Internet of Things
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Productivity
Fig. 1: IoT architecture layers (Courtesy:
By Sani Theo
May 28, 2018
Different types of applications require different types of sensors to collect data from the environment. This article takes a look at some common…
The 18 Top Use Cases of Artificial Intelligence in Banks
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Productivity
by Tim Sloane
November 6, 2018
This article in CustomerThink identifies many different solutions where Artificial Intelligence can enhance banking, but makes it appear these solutions are already widely deployed.…
8 ways IBM Watson Analytics is transforming business
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Productivity
IBM Watson Analytics is a cloud-based data discovery service intended to provide the benefits of advanced analytics without the complexity. Here are eight organizations using Watson Analytics to transform their operations.
By Thor…
How do companies use my loyalty card data?
Business IntelligenceImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Allegations that research firm Cambridge Analytica misused the data of 50 million people has thrust the issue of data privacy into the spotlight.
A huge amount of consumer data is available and - if obtained -…
5 Reasons Silicon Beach Could Outpace Silicon Valley
Business Intelligence, Managed Network Services
For many years, entrepreneurs and engineers looking to begin their startups all flocked to one place: the infamous Silicon Valley in Northern California’s Bay Area. But as more companies and startups are moving, or even founding, their…
Inside The Void’s Fully Immersive ‘Star Wars’ VR
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas
Apr 4, 2018, 02:31pm
Experience: A Review
Seth Porges
What it is:
The Void’s Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire is an immersive virtual reality experience that places visitors inside the Star Wars universe. A clever…
AI-fueled organizations
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas
Reaching AI’s full potential in the enterprise
Nitin MittalUnited States
David KuderUnited States
Samir HansUnited States
As AI technologies standardize across industries, becoming an AI-fueled…
IDC’s AI-Based Automation Evolution Framework: a New Way to Think About AI Automation
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Productivity
Jan 9,2019 / By Dan Vesset / No Comment
In October 2018, a Reuters article informed the world that Amazon had scrapped an AI–based recruitment application that turned out to be biased against women. Most headlines about this story…
Your guide to top tech conferences 2018-2019
Business Intelligence
The 7 Most Exciting Fitness Tech Innovations From CES 2018
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Productivity
Fitness|January 16, 2018|
By Alexa Tucker
The 7 Most Exciting Fitness Tech Innovations From CES 2018
Virtual reality workouts, anyone?
The Peloton Tread…