Handling, managing, and analyzing business data

NASA’s InSight craft lands safely on surface of Mars after ‘seven minutes of terror’

After 301 million miles of travel at a cost of $850 million, scientists hope to learn more about what's beneath the surface of Mars NASA spacecraft lands on Mars Nov. 26, 2018 / 11:43…

How machine learning systems sometimes surprise us

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John Biggs@johnbiggs / 14 hours ago This simple spreadsheet of machine learning foibles may not look like much but it’s a fascinating exploration of how machines “think.” The list, compiled by researcher Victoria Krakovna,…

Data artist Paolo Cirio takes on big tech’s social manipulation

INNOVATION AGENTS Sociality aggregates and sorts 20,000 social media patents into a searchable database that reveals just how invasive our digital devices have become. [Photo: courtesy of Paolo Cirio] BY DJ…

How Data-Driven Commerce Is Driving Retail

By Gary Sankary | Digital Transformation | June 19, 2018 Retail executives can commiserate over apocalyptic headlines—or they can find new ways to drive their business forward. Those who choose the latter have an ally in…

TEDx Manhattan Beach


IDC Reveals Worldwide CIO Agenda 2019 Predictions

CIOs must reinvent IT top to bottom, create new digital platforms with agile connectivity, and modernize legacy systems or risk professional extinction FRAMINGHAM, Mass., October 31, 2018 – In the multiplied innovation economy,…

Forget the new iPhones: Apple’s best product is now privacy

Under Tim Cook’s leadership, Apple saw just how critical an issue user privacy would become. Now it’s at least as important a feature as shiny industrial design or a nice camera. Apple CEO Tim Cook waves to the audience during…

What Next? Six Trends for the Print Industry in 2018

By Louella Fernandes on December 13, 2017 Articles, Artificial Intelligence, Channel, Digital Transformation, Trends Changing customer preferences, increased mobility, tightening regulation and technological change are reshaping…

Everyone Has a Number

Written by Rene Boer on September 6, 2018 LEADERSHIP EMPLOYEES ACCOUNTABILITY Employees perform most of the activities that, if measured, are usually leading indicators of future outcomes. You can’t know how well your business…