How Managed IT Services Can Help Small Businesses Avoid Cybersecurity Threats
Security, UncategorizedCybersecurity threats are a major concern for businesses today, and small businesses are particularly vulnerable. Many small business owners believe they aren’t big enough to be targets, but this assumption can lead to serious security…

Lessons from the Los Angeles County Superior Court Ransomware Attack
Business Intelligence, Security, UncategorizedIn the increasingly digital landscape of modern business, cybersecurity has emerged as a paramount concern for all sectors. However, recent events have underscored its critical importance for the legal sector, particularly for law firms.…

The Importance of Managed IT for Business Vulnerability: Spotlight on CrowdStrike’s Recent Outage
Business Intelligence, UncategorizedIn our interconnected world, businesses heavily rely on technology for operations, data management, and communication. This dependency, while advantageous, also makes them vulnerable to various IT threats like cybersecurity attacks, system…

Streamline Your Office: Unlock the Power of Managed Print Services
Business Intelligence, Managed Print Services, UncategorizedIn today’s fast-paced business world, managing an avalanche of documents can be daunting. That's where the magic of managed print services comes in, transforming chaos into order. Let’s dive into how businesses can streamline their document…

Cloudflare hacked using auth tokens stolen in Okta attack
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cloudflare-hacked-using-auth-tokens-stolen-in-okta-attack/
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The breach of Cloudflare via stolen authentication tokens from an Okta attack…

US disrupts China-backed hacking operation amid warning of threat to American infrastructure
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://techcrunch.com/2024/01/31/fbi-cisa-volt-typhoon-cyberattack-american-infastructure/
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: Discuss the relevance of robust cybersecurity measures, especially for businesses like Excel Office…

AI in Filmmaking
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://www.csail.mit.edu/news/putting-ai-cinema-mits-filmmaking-hackathon
Why This Matters to Us: The use of AI in filmmaking indicates a broader trend of AI applications in creative industries, relevant to our marketing and creative…

Brain-Computer Interface Advances
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00173-x
Why This Matters to Us: The advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) present new areas for Excel Office Services to explore in healthcare IT.
The Bigger Picture:…

DEI in Organizations
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/10-trends-to-watch-in-2024
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are key to organizational success, reflecting Excel Office Services' commitment to a diverse workforce.

Five Key Trends in AI and Data Science for 2024
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Uncategorizedhttps://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/five-key-trends-in-ai-and-data-science-for-2024/
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The industrialization of data science aligns with Excel Office Services' aim to provide scalable and efficient…