Tag Archive for: business intelligence

Kodak invented the digital camera – then killed it. Why innovation often fails

As a company grows, so too do the roadblocks to innovation Image: REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay. 23 Jun 2016 David GannPro-Vice-Chancellor, Development and External Affairs, University of Oxford We know that innovation…

Top COVID-19 Challenges: How Customer Experience Leaders Responded

 PHOTO: UNSPLASH By Dom Nicastro | Nov 12, 2020  Customer experience leaders have faced multiple challenges in the areas of digital, safety and well-being of customers and data and analytics throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, according…

How The Pandemic Is Changing The Face Of Customer Experience

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Michael RingmanForbes Councils Member Forbes Technology Council COUNCIL POST| Paid Program Chief Information Officer at TELUS International, a global customer experience provider powered by next-gen digital…

COVID-19 Impact on U.S. Consumer Technology Spending

MARKETS AND TRENDS COVID-19 Impact on U.S. Consumer Technology Spending COVID-19's impact on consumer spending is uneven. See why the previous 30 days saw increased spending and what to expect in the next 30 days with IDC's David Myhrer. JUNE…


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Businesses must constantly evolve and adapt to meet a variety of challenges—from changes in technology, to the rise of new competitors, to a shift in laws, regulations, or underlying economic trends. Failure…

COVID-19 Accelerating print industry transformation

  Download Report                                Same report found here: https://www.print2025.com/wp-content/uploads/Quocirca-COVID-19-Phase-1-Report-Final.pdf

Strategic Ways to Build Your Technology Roadmap

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A digital transformation is a well-planned journey and to successfully navigate it, an organization needs to devise a digital roadmap. A digital roadmap is utilized to define, manage and launch digital touch points. This sophisticated…

Why M&A is at the forefront of digital transformation strategy

By  Tony Qui EY Global Transaction Advisory Services, Chief Innovation Office Learn why companies are focused on digital transformation strategy as key to future…

European Customer Experience Management Strategies

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IDC Link: https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=IDC_P26330 The research agenda of the European Customer Experience competitive intelligence service (CIS) reflects future enterprise investments in managing 'the 3 Cs' of Customer:…