Tag Archive for: CX

Sensors Are the Heart of the IoT

  Samuel Greengard Added to IoTplaybook or last updated on: 07/03/2018 The opportunities for building IoT applications are limited only by the imagination and engineering prowess of system designers…

How CIOs transform IT for the digital era

Picture: Pexels CC0/Thinkstock CIOs are disrupting their IT departments, introducing new operating models to stay ahead of digital changes driving their respective industries. By Clint Boulton Senior Writer, CIO | JUN 1,…

The Complete Omni-Channel Retail Report: What Brands Need to Know About Modern Consumer Shopping Habits in 2018

 Tracey Wallace / 21 min read No single formula, algorithm or crystal ball can tell you for sure when and why each individual customer will make a purchase. A senior citizen looking to buy a smartwatch might be texted a recommendation by…

Customer Service in the Age of AI

Disaster recovery

What is disaster recovery and how can this benefit your business?

Businesses face disaster every second of every day. Malicious actors could be preparing to hack their online platform, strong winds could leave them without power, or employee negligence may result in customer data falling into the wrong…
technology trends

Top technology trends for 2018

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It is that time of the year again and 2017 is over before we knew it. The Year of Intelligencebrought us a lot of progress and change; from over-hyped ICO’s to algorithms that created secret languages. As every year since 2012, I provide…

What’s the Difference Between Multichannel Marketing and Omnichannel Marketing Anyway?

By Carro Ford|Apr 4, 2018|Applications, Automation, Cross-Media, Direct Mail, Grow Your Business, Industry Trends, Personalization|0 Comments (Guest post by Josie Stein, Marketing and Communications Manager at XMPie. @josiedaisy.…

3 steps to defining customer experience.

CROSS CHANNEL MARKETING | February 13, 2018 By: Geoff Galat  2017 was the year that brands truly embraced ‘experience’, with Customer Experience, User Experience and even Brand Experience all becoming common terms within both…

8 Old School Marketing Tactics That Work for Social Media

By: Katie Sehl SHARE Okay, so it’s hard to imagine Don Draper meeting with Bethlehem Steel execs in Sterling Cooper’s top floor Madison Avenue boardroom, telling them to get on Snapchat. But even though we no longer think of typewriters…

12 Tips About Managing Client Expectations You Can’t Afford to Miss

Mar 12, 2018 by The Young Entrepreneur Council In Management 1 Working with a new client is always stressful. You each have to get to know each other and find out what the expectations are early on. For clients that are overbearing…