Tag Archive for: mobile printing

Managed IT Services: Your Gateway to Cybersecurity and Growth in 2024
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Productivity, Security
In 2024, navigating the digital landscape's cyber threats becomes paramount, and Managed IT Services by Excel Office Services offer an unparalleled solution. From the onset, these services are not merely a shield against current cyber dangers…

Streamlining Success: The Strategic Edge of Managed IT Services
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Productivity, Security
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, maintaining an efficient, secure IT infrastructure is more critical than ever. Managed IT Services have emerged as a pivotal solution…

FBI: Tech support scams now use couriers to collect victims’ money
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainabilityhttps://www.bleepingcomputer.com/author/sergiu-gatlan/
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us:
The emergence of more sophisticated tech support scams, involving couriers to directly collect money from victims, signifies a direct threat…

Cloudflare hacked using auth tokens stolen in Okta attack
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cloudflare-hacked-using-auth-tokens-stolen-in-okta-attack/
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The breach of Cloudflare via stolen authentication tokens from an Okta attack…

The FCC wants to make robocalls that use AI-generated voices illegal
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainabilityhttps://www.engadget.com/the-fcc-wants-to-make-robocalls-that-use-ai-generated-voices-illegal-105628839.html
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: The FCC's recent move to ban AI-generated robocalls is a significant development…

AI in Filmmaking
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://www.csail.mit.edu/news/putting-ai-cinema-mits-filmmaking-hackathon
Why This Matters to Us: The use of AI in filmmaking indicates a broader trend of AI applications in creative industries, relevant to our marketing and creative…

Brain-Computer Interface Advances
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00173-x
Why This Matters to Us: The advancements in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) present new areas for Excel Office Services to explore in healthcare IT.
The Bigger Picture:…

DEI in Organizations
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services, Managed Print Services, Productivity, Security, Sustainability, Uncategorizedhttps://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/10-trends-to-watch-in-2024
EOS Summary:
Why This Matters to Us: Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are key to organizational success, reflecting Excel Office Services' commitment to a diverse workforce.

Top Three Workplace Mobility Trends For Small And Mid-Sized Businesses
Innovative Ideas, Productivity, Security
T-Mobile for Business
BRANDVOICE| Paid Program
Oct 18, 2021,12:34pm EDT
Just as the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people differently, small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) also feel the impacts in disproportionate…

Quocirca Survey of Print during the Pandemic.
Business Intelligence, Innovative Ideas, Managed Print Serviceshttps://print2025.com/reports/print-security-2020/