Tag Archive for: productivity

How We help our Clients Profit with Production.

What is an API, In English, Please.
Innovative Ideas, Productivity
Artwork by Phillip Blackowl. Spanish translation. Portuguese translation.
Petr GazarovFollow
Software developer https://github.com/petrgazarov
Aug 13, 2016
Before I learned software development, API sounded like a kind of…

Xerox copier tells a story.
Productivity, Securityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGZbh7h-yVI&feature=youtu.be

Don’t confuse project outcomes with business outcomes
Innovative Ideas, Productivity
By David Cotgreave, star Advisor, CIO | DEC 20, 2016 5:00 AM PT
As the new year approaches, here's one resolution that will pay you back big time if you stick with it through 2017.
Don't confuse project…

How CIOs transform IT for the digital era
Innovative Ideas, Managed Network Services
Picture: Pexels CC0/Thinkstock
CIOs are disrupting their IT departments, introducing new operating models to stay ahead of digital changes driving their respective industries.
By Clint Boulton
Senior Writer, CIO | JUN 1,…

The Hard and Soft ROI of Contact Center Mobility
Posted by Rick McFarland on 2018-05-01 14:05:49
You may have heard that recently CoreDial recently integrated an award-winning suite of feature-rich contact center solutions into its portfolio. If you haven't, check out this press…

Customer Service in the Age of AI
Innovative Ideashttps://youtu.be/pE-V229Pj1Y?list=PLZDyxLlNKRY_Kp5lVARXsEv3Uc3q5xbtl

Your Mobile Strategy Can’t Just Be About Phones
Innovative Ideas, Productivity
Steven Moore for HBR
Ten years ago, Apple released the first iPhone. This set into motion a cycle of innovation and transformation that has touched nearly every business in the world in some way or another. The size…

Fifteen ways to remain productive at work
Owen Gough
Executives should ditch meetings, quit multitasking and learn how to delegate to remain productive in the office, experts have warned.
From jazzing up your workplace, to…

What is disaster recovery and how can this benefit your business?
Security, Sustainability
Businesses face disaster every second of every day. Malicious actors could be preparing to hack their online platform, strong winds could leave them without power, or employee negligence may result in customer data falling into the wrong…